Our risk targeted, multi-asset class portfolios are thoughtfully constructed to help our clients achieve their long-term investing goals.

Our Core-Satellite-Tactical (CST®) portfolio methodology addresses risk management in a multi-dimensional way, with a focus on:

  • Separating the role of an asset from its asset class

  • Understanding and minimizing downside risk 

  • Maintaining high levels of liquidity and transparency

“Core” holdings provide long-term exposure to global capital markets. Thematic “Satellite” and opportunistic “Tactical” investments take advantage of more unique market themes and opportunities.

Our models allow clients to align their portfolio asset allocation with their investment horizon, risk tolerance and return objectives. Conservative investors seeking preservation of capital may prefer 0% equities and 100% fixed income (CST 0) while an aggressive investor seeking long term capital appreciation may prefer 100% equities and 0% fixed income (CST 100). CST 50 represents a balanced portfolio with a target of 50% Equities and 50% Fixed Income.